1. Create an objective. It is great to have a
friend. If becoming popular is your goal, you need to know how you will
get to know that you are popular. Is it when all your colleagues come to
know your name? Or will you consider yourself popular when passersby
wave at you?
2. Understand the methods of successful people. Once
you have your objective clearly in your mind, proceed to check who is
popular in that particular area and what they are doing. Example: One
manager is known for his good communication with clients. How does he do
3. Be Confident. Everyone has some flaws. Don't let
that stop you! Even if you feel that you just aren't good, keep
believing. Love yourself and believe in yourself.
4. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone. If
you're not popular, it's because you're not comfortable doing the things
that popular people tend to do--making conversation, cracking jokes,
flirting, and in general, engaging people.
5. Be friendly. Popular people are on friendly terms
with pretty much everyone--not only their peers, but also the teachers,
the supervisors, the grocery store clerk, the janitor, the parents, the
kids, and generally anyone who's even the tiniest bit nice.
6. Have good style. No one wants to follow a person
who has a bad fashion sense. If you can't afford brand names, shop at
stores that still have cool clothes at an affordable price. Everyone
loves a person who has no fear when it comes to fashion.
7.Give a helping hand. Popular people don't just
know everyone--they're on good terms with everyone. They establish those
terms by helping people out, and they don't do it in particularly
noticeable ways (they're not the martyrs or saints of society). They do
little things to establish rapport (in addition to some big things, like
8. Be yourself. It may sound trite, but popular
people live out this popular phrase. You might think that in order to be
popular, you need to be attractive and talented, but--while it's true
that those qualities are more likely to make you a hit with
people--there are extremely popular people who are otherwise quite
9.Dress like you mean it. Being popular is being
dressed like you mean it. Most popular people wear those expensive, rare
clothes 'imported from Singapore', but it's easier to dress like
yourself. Most people don't like people who wear flashy clothes, but
they also don't like people who look like they've just finished rolling
in the mud.
10. Try to fix your hair. Parents may restrict this,
but whatever, you're cool. Trying colourful (non-permanent) hair
extensions is a risky idea, so just go for some choppy bangs, side
fringe and lots of hairspray. Coon tails can be a good idea too and a
cute flippy fun bun as well.
11. Accessorize. Loads of cool accessory shops can
provide colorful, costume jewelry, and they can always provide good gift
ideas for your friends.
12. Wear the shoes! Uggs (with skinny jeans)
/sandals/flip-flops are what popular kids are wearing these days, if
you're a girl. If you're a boy, wear Nike or any other shoe brand that
looks nice!